Monthly Speaker Meetings
Announcements precede the presentation and a brief business meeting follows it. Opportunities for socializing and/or discussing current issues follow the meeting.
Local Field Trips
Local field trips to a variety of locations over the course of the year allow for viewing of birds and habitats of special interest. Club members organize these field trips and help each other find and identify birds during those trips. Check the Home Page, Field Trips (under Activities), or a current newsletter for upcoming trips.
Local field trips to a variety of locations over the course of the year allow for viewing of birds and habitats of special interest. Club members organize these field trips and help each other find and identify birds during those trips. Check the Home Page, Field Trips (under Activities), or a current newsletter for upcoming trips.
Christmas Bird Count
Members of the club also participate each year in the National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count in Cleveland and surrounding areas. Sign up information is provided at the December meeting. More count information can be found HERE. Member Laura Gooch is the KBC's compiler of data.
Members of the club also participate each year in the National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count in Cleveland and surrounding areas. Sign up information is provided at the December meeting. More count information can be found HERE. Member Laura Gooch is the KBC's compiler of data.
Cleveland Bird Calendar
The Cleveland Bird Calendar (CBC) was founded in 1905 by Francis H. Herrick of Western Reserve University and is one of the longest-running publications of its kind. The purposes of the publication are to provide information on the movements of birds throughout the Cleveland region (Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit counties), to monitor population densities of resident birds, and to help in establishing what the patterns of vagrancy are for species rarely encountered in the region.
The CBC is funded and published periodically by the Kirtland Bird Club and the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Each member of the KBC receives an annual subscription to the The Cleveland Bird Calendar as a membership benefit. Past issues of the Bird Calendar are published in PDF format and can be found under the KBC Archives tab on the navigation bar above. |
KBC members are encouraged to submit field reports, artwork, papers, and photographs to the editor HERE for consideration for publication in the CBC. Due dates for seasonal reports are the 10th of March, June, September, and December. All reports sent to the CBC are archived on our website HERE and at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
KBC publishes a quarterly newsletter called The Kirtland Warbler. The newsletter is emailed to all members. The newsletter provides descriptions of upcoming programs, field trips, organizational business, and other timely information for the next three-month period. The newsletter includes brief articles, poems, photography, and drawings by club members related to their birding experiences. Click HERE to see current and past newsletters.
KBC publishes a quarterly newsletter called The Kirtland Warbler. The newsletter is emailed to all members. The newsletter provides descriptions of upcoming programs, field trips, organizational business, and other timely information for the next three-month period. The newsletter includes brief articles, poems, photography, and drawings by club members related to their birding experiences. Click HERE to see current and past newsletters.
History of the Kirtland Bird Club
The Kirtland Bird Club (KBC) was formed on September 28, 1940 and has a long tradition of high quality contributions to the Northeast Ohio Birding community. In its early years the club conducted monthly meetings, field trips, breeding bird population studies, Christmas bird counts, and wintering duck population studies. Activities such as these continue to the present. The Kirtland Bird Club is named after its founder, Dr. Jared Kirtland, a naturalist, physician, public health advocate, politician, abolitionist, and philanthropist. Read more about this fascinating man HERE. The mission of the Kirtland Bird Club is to bring people of Greater Cleveland and beyond together to learn about, enjoy, and support birds through observation, study, and advocacy. Kirtland Bird Club ByLaws Click HERE for a copy of the KBC bylaws |
The bird in our logo is the Kirtland's Warbler, a bird seen in Ohio only during migration. The Kirtland's Warbler was first described from a specimen collected on the farm of Dr. Kirtland's father in law, Charles Pease, in Lakewood, Ohio.